
Showing posts from October, 2020

Happy Hallowe'en!

It's Hallowe'en! They say this is the night when the veils between worlds are thin.  There's a full moon, too, and it's a blue moon. I wonder what the night will bring...? Have a happy, spooky, and safe Hallowe'en! Love, Bree

Meet Bree (...Again?)

Hi! This is Bree again. Since I wrote our intro post, I decided to go ahead and be the first to introduce myself. So... like I said, my name is Bree. It is not short for anything. My parents were really into Lord of the Rings when I was born. I was mere moments from being named Pippin when they decided to pick something that wouldn't stand out quite as much. (My adoptive family sometimes calls me Pippin as a joke.) My middle name is Galadriel.  My other nickname is Bean. I don't get called nicknames very much, though; it's not like you can get much shorter and easier than Bree, haha! You probably guessed this from what I said a second ago, but I don't live with my birth parents anymore. I live in a big gaggle of awesome people who adopted me instead. I'm a pretty normal teenager, I guess. I like books and movies - and mocking ridiculous bad movies. I like to jog, write, and sketch.  I've decided that I want to be a psychologist someday. Or write novels. Or both?

A new blog!

Hello. This is Bree. Today, I am here to tell you a story of friendship, love, loss, sacrifice, cowardice, courage, and ultimately, the triumph of the human spirit.  I call it: "We lost the password to the old blog." You would think that with the number of people working on it, someone would manage to remember it. Turns out, that means no one actually felt personally responsible for it. We tried every variation of what we thought our login information was, and ended up hitting a wall with a verification phone number none of us recognized and we're pretty sure none of us has ever used. (Looks like we may have tried to hack someone else's blog by accident - sorry!) There was some disagreement about what to do. Some people in the family wanted to just forget about it and move on. They were busy, they had other stuff going on, they had lost interest, etc. etc. Some of us wanted to move forward with a bright, fancy, shiny new blog. We have a new camera and everything! And