Meet Bree (...Again?)

Hi! This is Bree again. Since I wrote our intro post, I decided to go ahead and be the first to introduce myself.

So... like I said, my name is Bree. It is not short for anything. My parents were really into Lord of the Rings when I was born. I was mere moments from being named Pippin when they decided to pick something that wouldn't stand out quite as much. (My adoptive family sometimes calls me Pippin as a joke.) My middle name is Galadriel. 

My other nickname is Bean. I don't get called nicknames very much, though; it's not like you can get much shorter and easier than Bree, haha!

You probably guessed this from what I said a second ago, but I don't live with my birth parents anymore. I live in a big gaggle of awesome people who adopted me instead.

I'm a pretty normal teenager, I guess. I like books and movies - and mocking ridiculous bad movies. I like to jog, write, and sketch. 

I've decided that I want to be a psychologist someday. Or write novels. Or both? Both would be good.

My favorite colors are blue, red, and black.

My favorite food is PB&J sandwiches.

My biggest "irrational" fear is bears. Except I don't think it's an irrational fear because a bear could totally eat me. 

I sometimes make stupid puns about how my name sounds like brie cheese. Like if a bear mauled me, would I be wedges of Bree?

There's... one... other liiiiitle thing you should know about me. I'm a weird fairy/fae changeling thing instead of a normal human. Everyone in our family is kind of odd like that. Fae, vampires, werewolves, wacky psychic powers - we've got it all. We're not scary, though, don't worry. (Unlike bears!)

I guess that's all I have to say for now. Stay tuned for more introductions and stories as we get this new blog rolling!

Love, Bree
