A new blog!

Hello. This is Bree. Today, I am here to tell you a story of friendship, love, loss, sacrifice, cowardice, courage, and ultimately, the triumph of the human spirit. 

I call it: "We lost the password to the old blog."

You would think that with the number of people working on it, someone would manage to remember it. Turns out, that means no one actually felt personally responsible for it. We tried every variation of what we thought our login information was, and ended up hitting a wall with a verification phone number none of us recognized and we're pretty sure none of us has ever used. (Looks like we may have tried to hack someone else's blog by accident - sorry!)

There was some disagreement about what to do. Some people in the family wanted to just forget about it and move on. They were busy, they had other stuff going on, they had lost interest, etc. etc. Some of us wanted to move forward with a bright, fancy, shiny new blog. We have a new camera and everything! And these days, everyone has phones!

We decided to split the difference. Some of us will be writing this new blog. It'll be a smaller cast of characters, and if you never read the old one - not to worry! A lot of time has passed, and we have new stories to tell. We're going to re-introduce ourselves, and there are some new faces, too. You don't have to read the old blog to understand what's going on in the new one. (But if you really want to, you can find it here: http://thegreengirlswrite.blogspot.com/)

So... we're back to (hopefully) entertain you. See you soon!

Love, Bree

P.S. Here's an old picture of me with Marie-Grace and Cécile. I'm the one on the right.


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